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Более чем 100-летний опыт технического прогресса позволил нам стать ведущим производителем в области частотных преобразователей, сервоприводов, систем управления и робототехники.
Более чем 100-летний опыт регулирования электродвигателей привел Yaskawa к разработке продуктов, которые идеально сочетают в себе техническое превосходство и простоту в обращении.
We have more than 30 years of expertise in plant engineering and offer turnkey solutions and systems configured to customer specifications.
Professional visualization tools for your application.
Choose improved efficiency for your application.
Under our profichip brand, we offer a comprehensive portfolio in the field of industrial communication and control ASICs.
We offer software forall your industrial needs
One key to success is the appropriate education of your staff. The Yaskawa Academy offers you a broad range of courses tailored to the level of knowledge of participants - from entry-level to expert. Our course program is modular and offers the right training module for nearly all applications and every level of knowledge
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Innovation is our driving force - for more than 100 years
Beside the innovative technology and high product quality our reputation is also built on certain qualities and values, one of the most important of which is integrity.
Примеры решений Applications Cow Milking
It may sound strange, but Automation in the livestock and dairy industry is more advanced than you think. Literally thousands of robots are already working in this demanding application, exposed to excrements and kicks every day. Robotic milking stations perform teat cleaning and milking procedures, following the cow's movements guided by intelligent laser camera and machine vision guided. In combination with the transponder identification of the cow, the milking protocol is communicated to the central management software, this helping to collect accurate data and achieving lower empty rates and better milk yields.